22 August 2008

Friday, 22 August 2008

0400 NO2 (x5)
-----Relaxation Response meditation (15 minutes)
0430 Meal I
Power Shake (12g Whey Protein, 1 scoop GNC Whole Foods Powder, 1 tbsp Flax Meal, 1 tbsp Psyllium Husk)
-----AST 32X Pro Multivitamin (x1), Calcimate Complete (x1), Aminoburst 1000 (x1)
0500 CE2 (x2)
0530 Physical Training I (75 second sets)
Pull-Ups: 1/2 Crunches: 10
Pull-Ups: 0 Crunches: 10
Pull-Ups: 0 Crunches: 10
05 minutes Stretching

0730 Meal II
Scrambled egg and bacon
0800 Self-Hypnosis I

1030 Meal III

1330 Meal IV

1600 Relaxation Response II
1630 Meal V

2000 Self-Hypnosis II

Because I went to be so early last night, I got up a bit early this morning... I have to say, I'm starting to feel really good. I think going back to my old running routine helped a bit... but generally, I think I'm starting to reap the benefits of my return to good fitness and nutrition habits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are feeling so good, G.P.! :)